
Chief Anoquot and Saugeen Band Council

Please accept my sincere gratitude for your leadership and continued measures of safe interventions during these challenging days.

Although I no longer reside at Saugeen First Nation, many of my beloved family members (family of the late Richard Kahgee) do reside in the community.  At present time, I am employed by Saugeen First Nation as an Educational Assistant and have been for several years.

During these difficult days, your leadership has established life saving measures to keep community members safe. You have provided provided financial support, peer support and emergency support etc. for the membership of Saugeen. Your leadership and support on many different levels makes a huge difference in the lives of the membership as everyone navigates through Covid 19.

Again, please accept my sincere gratitude for your leadership during these challenging times.

May the Lord bless you and keep you and your families!

Sophia Caudle


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Spirit Feast (Potluck)

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