Hello everyone,
Please find attached the updated COVID-19 screening for schools/childcare facilities.
Please make sure you are screening your children before sending them to school/childcare.
I have also attached the employee and visitor screening for schools/childcare facilities.
At this time, all other screening forms remain the same as the previous versions I had sent out.
FOR CLARIFICATION: The only buildings that need to update their screening at this time are the Day Care and Youth Centre – no other band buildings or organizations need to use the screening I just sent. All other buildings can continue to use the screening forms that were last updated in October. However, every parent/guardian needs to use this screening tool before sending their children to schools and daycare each day.
Tara Campbell
COVID-19 Safety Coordinator
Saugeen First Nation #29
Tel: 519-797-2781 ext. 1125
Cell: 519-372-7583